Project Team

The IAVI eTraining Portal is developed and run by the IAVI/HSeT team in collaboration with Contritutors and Trainers of the IAVI network.

IAVI website team

PatFast IAVI, New YorkUnited States
CarlVerlindeInternational AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)Germany
Andreavon LievenInternational AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)Germany

OCTAVE Leadership group

JaniceDardenACTG Operations Center Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.United States
DannaFloodHIV Vaccine Trials Network, SeattleUnited States
JonathanFuchsSan Francisco Dept. of Public Health; UCSFUnited States
Jean-PierreKraehenbuhlHealth Sciences eTraining (HSeT) FoundationSwitzerland

HSeT team

MarcBreitlerHSeT FoundationSwitzerland
NathalieDebardHealth Sciences eTraining (HSeT) FoundationSwitzerland
Jean-PierreKraehenbuhlHealth Sciences eTraining (HSeT) FoundationSwitzerland
AlainMeystreHealth Sciences eTraining (HSeT) FoundationSwitzerland
BernardRossierUniversity of LausanneSwitzerland

Last update: Tuesday, September 27, 2011
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